Program by Guruji, “Recovering from Jet lag”

Gabriella Giubilaro

-Adho Mukha Svanasana


– Adho Mukha Svanasana


-Sirsasana Viparita Karani with the chair, head on the bolter, belt around the middle shin

-Dwi pada Viparita dandasana with the chair, belt around the middle shin

-Sarvangasana with the chair, belt around the middle shin

-Ardha uttanasana

-Ardha Chandrasana, with the chair for balance

-Ardha uttanasana

-Virabhadrasana III hands on the back of the chair

-Ardha uttanasana

-Bharadvajasana with the chair 2X

-Halasana with thighs resting on the chair